Wednesday, May 8, 2013

There's a new blog - wander over to

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Flying years

Far out! Where have the last 2 years flown to? I knew it had been a while since I blogged here but not a whole two years - almost to the day!

Since then - I have turned fifty, flown to Melbourne numerous times to visit my granddaughter, kept on riding and racing but only in Tassie, worked hard for the Cradle Coast Mountain Bike Club as treasurer and downhill event coordinator, walked the famous Overland Track in Tasmania and fought for my job during job cuts (I had to apply for my job and was fortunate to keep it - I think).

This year's motto - "Live in Truth and peace"

I will be investigating changes - this could mean lifestlye, home, work...we will see

Live in Truth and peace

Saturday, January 8, 2011

2011- turning fifty!!

2011 - a year of consolidation, preparation and peace!!! (and turning 50!)

No big plans for this year, just lots of laid back little stuff. Gonna relax, be peaceful, stay closer to home and friends and family. My boss will be happy that I have no big plans to take large chunks of time off work like last year.

Only one national level mountain bike race this year - the National championships in Adelaide, Feb 22-26. They had to add another category just for me! I'm the oldest crazy old lady who has ever wanted to compete in the downhill event and they had no class for a woman about to turn 50! They have always had one for men about to turn 50 so they had no excuse not to add one for the old ladies. Our age group is called 'super masters'!!!! lol

There will be other small trips during 2011:

To Melbourne to visit my gorgeous granddaughter especially for her first birthday!

At least 3 "Wandering Women's Weekends" which are weekends away exploring Tassie with 2 of my female friends. We did it in 2009, but didn't get around to it in 2010 so have vowed to be more organised in 2011. There is really so so much to see in Tassie. It is a beautiful amazing place to live and explore. And we have to scratch these itchy feet some how.

Planning to do regular day bush walks too. My 50th present to myself is going to be to walk the Overland track over 6 days in April 2012 so during 2011 I want to so lots more day walks. Tassie is a bushwalkers paradise. It can be hard to choose which walk to do as there are so many beautiful ones to choose from.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Feeling festive!

Christmas is in your heart if you have Jesus.

Time with family and friends helps too.

Saturday, November 6, 2010


Faith - one of my favourite words. Can't live without it.

Don't be afraid of death. Be afraid of not living.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Feeding squirrels in Hyde Park

Introduced pest from America but so cute!